Is Nightclub Freestyle Dancing For You?

By Liz | August 12, 2022

If you feel really awkward when faced with a dance opportunity in a club, party, wedding or social event, you can find relief in just one private lesson in nightclub freestyle dancing, (sometimes known as “fast dancing”, or “freestyle”.) This is the informal kind of dancing where you’re not touching your partner, just boogieing freely– or not so freely, if you’re currently feeling pretty dorky!

In this private lesson, you’ll learn how to find the beat, how to get the very simplest basics of shifting weight, and what to do with your feet and arms. After a one-hour lesson, you’ll have the skills to finally break the ice and get out there and party; all you’ll need to do is go home and practice a couple times. You won’t be memorizing any patterns; you’ll be learning some very simple, natural movements where you can blend in with the dancing crowd, gain confidence, feel relaxed, and have fun. We offer Nightclub Freestyle Dancing only as a one-hour private lesson. That’s all you’ll need!

How will you know if this freestyle private lesson is right for you? If you do not dance at all at parties, weddings or clubs; or if you dance a little, but get little or no fun from it, and feel very self-conscious or awkward at all times, then this lesson will be helpful. (If you’re someone who already has fun dancing but just wants some fancier moves, I suggest taking a salsa, hip hop, or belly dance class for some inspiration.)

“Liz is an excellent dance instructor!  She is patient, kind, helpful and so much fun!  I wanted to learn some free style dance moves so that I would feel more comfortable getting up on the dance floor.  In a one hour private lesson, Liz taught me basic steps and moves that I was hoping to learn.  Now when I get up on the dance floor I will have the confidence that I lacked before my dance lesson with Liz.  I showed my 92 year old mother, who is tactfully critical of my dancing, what I had learned from my lesson and she was absolutely thrilled with my progress! HIGHLY RECOMMEND WITH ENTHUSIASM” Lori B., Newton, MA.